Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Celeb Pics of 2010

So yesterday, I was on in the entertainment section, and they had pictures of Celebrities of 2010. There is over 100 of them, and towards the end I found a couple of pictures that I thought would be fun to share. These two pictures I call, The Most Disturbing Pictures of 2010. These are presented to you in no particular order.

Renee Zellweger

This picture to me is disturbing for several reasons. 1) This picture looks like a really bad photoshop job, where someone plopped on a head at the most awkward position possible. 2) If this is NOT a photoshop picture, (which I don't think it is...) how does Renee twist her head that far? I mean really? Try it! I know you just tried it, I did and now my neck hurts. The position of her head reminds me of birds and how they are able to turn there neck from front to back. Kind of creapy! AND if she ever has kids or if she sad for her kids...she can literally see what is going on behind her. Those kids aren't getting away with anything. To Renee, I say, "You had me at Hello." And I present to you the 2010 Bird Award.

Lady Gaga

Okay, who seriously didn't see a Lady Gaga picture coming? I'm sure there are others from 2010, but this one was on the msn site. First of all, awkward outfit. Do you ever wonder where she comes up with her costumes ideas? To me it looks like she is either Jack Frosts Sister, or she has Fungus growing on her. I'm going with the Fungus. I enjoy most of her music, but I wonder how long it takes for her to put on the fungus? Does anyone know? Its not only on her body but her clothes...Honestly if she weren't Lady Gaga and you saw someone walking down the street like this...that would be a little awkward, and disturbing. Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!
Roma-Roma-ma-ah! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! To you I give the 2010 Fungus Award.


*This is not meant to offend anyone.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

On Stranger Tides

Last week the new Pirates Trailor came out. The movie picks up where the last movie left off. On Stranger Tides, is about Jack trying to find the Fountain of Youth so he can live forever.

There are a few things already that kind of bug me about the new movie. 1. Will and Elizabeth aren't in this movie. 2. They tried to get characters that look similar to them. I think if its a new cast-get totally new characters that don't look so much like the old ones. 3. Barbossa looks weird.

I don't know if you can do this or not, but from the Trailor alone, I give the new pirate movie 2.5 stars out of five. I don't think it will be as big as the other movies. As much as I love Jack Sparrow, The Pirate movies are losing two of their leading characters, one of which is pretty much dead, and no heart. (BTW I totally hated the ending of the last movie, it was sad and they totally didn't need to kill him-even if he didn't want to return for the next movie.) I could totally go on and on about that, Anywho...I think Johnny Depp will do a great job with leading the movie, but I feel like it will lose some of its magic.

I'll still be watching the movie, and as of right now I'm not ready to run out and buy a ticket on opening night. I hope I stand corrected because I really do love the Pirates Series.

Below is link is the trailer for On Stranger Tides

Yo Ho Yo Ho a Pirates Life for me!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

David Archuleta Singing with the Motab

This morning I went to the Christmas Concert where David Archuleta and Mike York performed and sung with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. To get these hot tickets you had to enter at and winners were randomly selected. I didn't win any tickets. :( Yesterday, I called my friend Linzi to see if she wanted to try and get some standby tickets to get in. We decided not to, and a couple of hours later she got tickets from one of our mutual friends who had a couple extra tickets. It was really amazing!

I was very impressed with David Archuleta. Even though he is still very young, he just seems so composed, and focus. I've seen David Archuleta one other time when the American Idols came into town and young girls screamed very loud. I noticed today though, I'm sure with much more practice, that he has a lot more confidence singing on the stage. He was born to sing to millions. Even if you aren't a member for the LDS Church, you have to admit just hearing the choir sing, is breath taking. I can't imagine what an honor it must have been for David to sing with the choir backing him in some songs.

Mike York, who played a college professor on one of my favorite TV's Gilmore Girls, was the narrator of the performance. As a tradition he repeated the Christmas Story from Luke 2. It never seizes to amaze me who strong the spirit is when reading/hearing the True meaning of Christmas.

I found this movie clip of some of the highlights from the concert on youtube, for those who many have been unable to attend.

The concert will be on DVD and CD next Christmas Season 2011!