Elizabeth Berkley was a well known character on Saved By the Bell. She played Jessie Spano (Zack next door neighbor). Elizabeth played a character that was very serious about her academics and getting into Harvard, and was usually paired with AC Slater (Mario Lopez). Although Mario is much more attractive now, it makes you wonder what she thought about that mullet he wore?
I'm now going her (Liz). Liz went out for the role of Kelly Kapowski. The producers had a hard time deciding between Liz and Tiffiany Thiessen, so they created the role of Jessie Spano for her. She played Jessie Spano for four years and decided it was time to try something different.
So Liz went off and did the movie Showgirls. A role definitely different from her role on SBTB. She said this about Showgirls. "Ever since those reviews for Showgirls (1995), it's like I was that woman in "The Scarlet Letter". Except that instead of having to wear the letter "A" for adulteress, I was condemned to wear an "S" for "showgirl".
Since Showgirls, Liz has tried to pick better roles. Liz said, "It's been a very conscious choice on my part to work with the best - even if it was taking a small supporting role. After Showgirls (1995), I really wanted to surround myself with the best people. I wanted to build it that way instead of doing flashy roles just like "Showgirls", which would have hurt me."
Since Showgirls Liz has been featured on, CSI Miami, Law & Order, Threshold, Without a Trace, CSI, NYPD Blue, Jack and Jill, and the First Wives Club to name a few.
Here are some other cool facts about Liz you may not know.
*She has two different colored eyes-one is green and half brown and the other eye is green.
*She tried out for the movie Annie, but didn't get the part because she was too tall.
*Liz wore a$600 form-fitting gown made entirely of collard greens for the "Lettuce Be Lean" campaign sponsored by People for Ethical Treatment of Animals. According to "People Weekly", a source claims "she had to be misted every 20 minutes, like a produce section". (Some people might think this is a bad idea to wear food for a dress. Well here are some thoughts I have. 1.) Liz was ahead of her time, Lady Gaga now wears food often as a dress. So really Liz is a trend setter and way ahead on the times. Makes you wonder if she ever used Screech's time machine or something? It just took 13 years before Gaga would try it. 2.) When she got bored or hungry at the campaign, all she had to do was pull off a collard green. I'm sure this made her the most popular person there, and she most likely had spray butter in her purse.)
*Liz married been married since 2000 to her husband Greg Lauren, who is a famous nude painter. (Sounds a little like Titanic to me-without the sinking ship of course.)
Here is a fun clip of Liz on SBTB
Stay tuned for next weeks SBTB cast member post.
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