Monday, January 31, 2011

Midway to Heaven

Over the weekend I was invited to attend an exclusive preview of the movie, by a good friend of mine, and a reader of this blog. (Brett) Going into the movie, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I had never even seen a trailor for this movie.

The movie is based of the book written by Dean Hughes. The movie stars Curt Doussett, Kirby Heyborne, Michelle Money and Melanie Nelson. The story follows Ned (Curt Doussett) who is having a hard time letting go of his memories of his wife Kate (Nelson) who died from cancer. Throughout the movie you see him talking to her about some of his struggles, and dealing with his daughter who brings home “Mr. Perfect,” (Heyborne) which he deems there is something not right with him, and decides to find any dirt on him that he can; so he can tell his daughter who he really is. (which almost ruins their relationship.) Can Ned let go of his perfect marriage with Kate or can he find love again?

Michelle Money, plays Ned’s love interest who is a bit forward on what she wants. For those who have concerns about her or are worried about her acting, there really isn’t anything to worry about. Her acting isn’t too bad and she really isn’t in the movie all that much.

The movie is emotional, and heartfelt. There are a few cheesy lines, but it always makes for a good laugh.

The funniest line from the movie:

“Ned, are you going to kiss me tonight?” Michelle Money’s Character.
“I can’t. Its the Sabbath.”

Midway to Heaven is in theaters February 4th.


Anna said...

Okay, that line is hillarious. LOL Love Kirby, so I gotta see this one eventually.

AMezNewz said...

LOL-I only said that because they made such a big deal that it was the first time it was ever played in the Big Screen. LOL Next time I get one of those "exclusive invites" I hope I get the whole red carpet treatment and get to meet the cast or something. LOL