Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kutcher, "WINNING"

As you may know, Ashton Kutcher will be replacing Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men. And guess who had something to say about it?...It couldn't be Charlie, he's been so quite since he left the show. Charlie took a quick break from his Torpedo Of Truth Tour to comment on his thoughts on the news, PEOPLE reports.

"Ashton Kutcher is a sweetheart and a brilliant comedic performer. Oh wait, so am I!!" Enjoy the show America, Enjoy seeing 2.0 in the demo every Monday, WB. Enjoy planet Chuck, Ashton. There is no air, laughter, loyalty, or love there." ~Charlie Sheen

What do you think of the decision to have Ashton on the show? Will you watch the show?


Anna said...

I won't watch, because I never really did watch that show to begin with. But I will admit, Ashton going on it has me very curious. Should be interesting...

AMezNewz said...

I've never watched it either. It makes you wonder if fans will love or hate the new change. I haven't heard any fans being super upset about him not being on the show, but then again they've had many months to prepare for this.