Friday, December 17, 2010

Smallville 10th and Final Season

My good Friend Linzi introduced me to the great show of Smallville. I was in between jobs over the summer and she lent me the First Season of Smallville. At first I was a little sceptical about it. I'm a Fringe fan as well and it kind of had a Fringe fill to it. In Fringe, they always start the episode out with some weird mystery that they have to solve. With Smallville it usually had to do with the Green kryptonite and how they can stop the person infected by it. In second episode of Smallville there is an episode where this guy (Clark goes to school with) collects bugs, and eventually he turns into the bug man. To be honest it kind of creeped me out, and didn't know if I wanted to keep watching, but I did and I'm really glad.

I just love Smallville. I watched all 8 Season's my friend had in maybe a month or so. Then I was dying to watch season 9 which I bought off of itunes because I couldn't wait. LOL

My all time favorite episode thus far is the episode Homecoming where Clark gets visited by an old friend who takes him back to the past, present, and the future. There he finally starts becoming the man we have all waited for, since season one. He starts moving forward in his life rather than dwelling on the past.

There are so many good moments of Clark and Lois. Some of my favorites are, when Lois is sitting in the electrical chair and having to answer honestly if she loves Clark, the episode where Clark and Lois hook up for a bit and drop in on Lana's and Lex's Wedding Dinner, When Lois gets infected by the red kryptonite-and becomes super extreme about her and Clark's relationship, when they did the talk show together, at end of Homecoming where they dance in the barn, when Clark finally tells Lois who he really is, and his proposal to Lois.

Although I love where they're relationship is at now, I'd really love to see him become superman...and if He only flies on the last episode I'm not going to be very happy. Now they are halfway through the season and it would be nice to see him fly for a bit before the show goes off the air, and becoming superman.

What are your favorite moments? When do you think Clark will finally fly?


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