Friday, December 17, 2010

Wildcat Breakup

For years, we've known this couple, and to millions we know them as Troy and Gabriella, but to the world they were known as one of the hottest couples in Hollywood. Reported earlier this week, Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens ended their five year relationship.

Many have memorized their sweet dance moves and songs from High School Musical. The dance was even preformed by Phil on Modern Family. (Season 1) High School Musical will be remembered for many lifetimes to come.

They have been secretive about their relationship, not wanting to get the public involved. This is understandable, but also when you're in the lime light like they are, its almost unavoidable. Take Ryan Reynolds for example: He and his not so much wife kept their marriage on the DL for years, and now they are getting a divorce. I'm not saying they should tell us everything, but when they are so that a clue to us that it won't last forever like the Wildcat Love we've known for years?

And is anyone excited for the two new men on the prowl? Ryan and Zac? What about the fella's out there? Have you gone goo goo for Vanessa? If you had one pick up line you could use what would it be and who would you use it on?



Chism said...

This is so sad!

I am sure Vanessa would love this line:

"You've got something on your back! (what?) Angel wings!"

AMezNewz said...

Brett, I totally just Laughed Out Loud. I love it!