Monday, February 7, 2011

Fringe: Concentrate and Ask Again

Olivia still struggles when Peter gives her a cup of coffee and its not what she likes and realizes that its what Fauxlivia likes. Poor Peter is in a tough bind. How can you blame the guy for falling for Fauxlivia when he thought she was Olivia. I think Peter is really just doing all that he can at the moment but sometimes that just isn’t good enough. Walter takes the crew with him to meet another child from Walter’s past that was in the same clinic as Olivia when she was a little girl. This guy can hear others thoughts.

Throughout the episode, Olivia secretly wants to know everything that he is thinking. After the guy who can read thoughts, helps them solve the case, he hands Olivia an envelope before saying, “No one should be able to read other people’s thoughts.”

They way they filmed Olivia sitting on the couch reading the notes her friend took of Peter’s thoughts for her, it looked like it was long. All it read was, “He still has feelings for her.” Right then, it kind of tugs at your heart when we realize what Olivia knew all along that Peter has feelings for Fauxlivia.

This episode we also find out that the mood of Peter controls the machine, and how he will ultimately pick which universe will survive. What do you think Olivia should do? Move on from Peter and keep him as happy as possible? Get over it? Or become more like Fauxlivia, and give the girl a run for her money?


Next weeks Episode provided by IMDB
As the story shifts back to life "over there," the absence of Colonel Broyles shifts the dynamic of the Fringe Team as they investigate a bioterrorist armed with an insect that has a taste for human flesh. Meanwhile, alternate Olivia is reunited with her beau, and Walternate remains determined to save his world but discovers there are certain lines he will not cross.

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